Sand Is Child's Play

As you got older and started playing golf, memories of those happy times in the sand box were replaced with agonizing attempts to remove your golf ball from a sandy grave known as a bunker. I think golfers and whales have a lot in common. When either of them find themselves in the sand, a slow death seems inevitable. Let me try to return you to your youthful days when sand was your friend, by offering a little advice on how to execute the shot correctly.

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Paul Cope
Cure Your Slice

The pure slice, or the shot that starts to the left of the target and spins wildly to the right, is a result of a down-swing path that starts from outside the target and finishes inside. Typically the reason for the improper path is that as the player starts the down-swing with too much right side, causing the left side to open too soon, forcing the club to first swing out, then be re-routed to the inside…

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Paul Cope
Know Your Distance

Nothing can be more frustrating than hitting a great shot, with the wrong club. In most cases, your mismanagement can only be blamed on yourself, due to poor planning. In order to improve your scores, you might need only to improve some incidental aspects of the game, such as obtaining the correct yardage, and learning how far you hit each club. Most golf courses make it simple for you to figure out yardage…

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Paul Cope
Back to the Basics

Easy come, Easy go. Here today, Gone Tomorrow. That was then, this is now. The right stick at times will save you on #9. All the cliché’s in the world can’t describe how frustrating it is to play like a champ one day, and a chump the next. Just when you thought you had this game figured out, you play twenty four hours later and all the feeling you had the day before has vanished.

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Paul Cope
Course Management

One of the most important, but least understood aspects of the game of golf involves what is called “course management”. Some people think course management refers to etiquette, others misinterpret it as the ability to make the proper club selection, while some players would simply guess that it applies to the people who get the best parking spots next to the pro shop door. In order for me to explain what it is, and how you can become better at it, I’ll need to take you back to when I first started playing the game at about age twelve.

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Paul Cope
Driving Made Easy

So what’s the least favorite club in your bag. No, don’t tell me, let me guess. If you are like most players that I ask that same question, your answer is sure to be the driver. Because of it’s length and lack of loft, I agree that it is the most difficult club to hit accurately.  This set of  tips will focus only on the driver and some thoughts on how to improve your tee shots.

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Paul Cope
Believe In Your Game

I’ve often stressed how having confidence in your game plays an extremely important role. Being able to stand over the ball and know you can hit a good shot, says it all. This tip will hopefully provide some insight into improving your confidence.

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Paul Cope
Shift Your Weight

I’m sure you’ve all heard the term “reverse weight shift.” When Jenny Craig says it, she is referring to a client who is gaining, instead of losing pounds. When you hear it from a golfer they are talking about your weight being on your left side at the top of your swing, and on the right during your follow-through. These positions are opposite of where they should be, hence the term “reverse weight shift.”

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Paul Cope
Teaching a Beginner

At one time or another you have either tried to teach somebody how to play the game or have attempted to remedy your buddies ailing golf swing. Maybe something you’ve read or perhaps a tip given to you by a fellow golfer has provided you with enough expertise to give lessons and that’s fine by me. There are thousands of people who are playing golf only because a spouse or friend got them interested in playing and took the time to teach them the basic fundamentals of a golf swing.  

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Paul Cope
Learn to Release

“Please Release Me, Let Me Go”. I wonder if famous singer Englebert Humperdinck was thinking about his golf swing when he recorded that song. If he was, then he is probably in a very small minority of players who understand exactly what it means to release the club in your swing.

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Paul Cope
Stop Topping

A banana split without toppings would just be ice cream and bananas. Legendary sports announcer Howard Cosell without his infamous topping would have just been another bald guy.  And golf without topping would be… a much more enjoyable game. 

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Paul Cope
Swing or Equipment?

I have a Ping G-i5 9 degree driver with the Aldila Serrano 60 golf shaft,which I understand to be a reg flex mid high level ball flight. There are some days I absolutely crush the ball with this club, however there are days when I get a case of the rights and no matter what I do I can’t find the center of the fairway, I don’t know if its a matter of tempo or the shaft and head combo….

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Paul Cope